
Having an intimacy issue with your partner? Having problems on how to spice up your relationship? No time for each other? These are the main reasons why couples these days are usually divorced, why teenagers theses days are celebrating two thanksgiving day. Divorce is not the only answer to these problems. I’m not against it, and definitely not a fan but what I’m saying is, think of your children first. You can do one of these things to spice up your relationship with your spouse: 

  • Spend some quality time with each other. Watch some movies, cartoons, tv series or porns. Have a fancy dinner. Share stories with each other. Enjoy little things with him/her. 
  • Always do things together. 
  • Don’t forget to compliment him/her. Stare at him/her like he’s / she’s the deepest poem you’ve ever read, the most magnificent place you’ve ever been. 
  • Do erotic things with him/her. Don’t be afraid to be naughty. Have some sex, and not just any sex, a passionate one. 
  • If there is problem, talk. Respect each other’s opinion. Learn how to control your emotions. During the fight, try to touch each other’s skin. Hold your partner’s arms. Pride must be set aside. 
  • Don’t forget your duty as a husband or wife. 
  • Be open to each other. Be approachable. Don’t be afraid to tell your partner everything, you’re one now, remember? But if its too confidential, one must be willing to wait and to understand. 
  • Respect your partner’s privacy or “me time”. 
  • Trust each other. It is very important. All relationship will not work if its full of jealousy, fights, doubts, etc. Honesty is one of the best ingredients of a healthy relationship. 
  • Do efforts. Make him/her a cup of coffee, buy flowers, give your partner a full body massage, etc.
  • Don’t ask for more. Have contentment. Appreciate the little efforts. 
  • Last but not the least, try to stare at your partner for 5 minutes. Look closely. Focus on his/her eyes. Remember those radiant moments. Like the day, you and your partner’s first dance, first concert, first kiss, wedding day, honeymoon. Now ask yourself, are you ready to give up those precious moments and start a new journey with someone new? 

Think. Marriage is too sacred, for us, people, to shatter and overpower it. And also, it is a responsibility and a serious matter. If you think you’re not ready yet for a serious matter then don’t do it, simple as that. Don’t let your children suffer. If you’re an adult, then act like one. Be mature and a role model for every young couples out there. *sips coffee* 
(p.s. this is only my opinion, i just want to help)

For you My Love

You’re probably sleeping at this very moment. How I wish I could run into your place and stare at your perfection until the sun shows up. How I wish I could wake you up by pressing my lips into yours. I  zknow My Love, we fought many times and I know there will be more and I also know you’re already exhausted. But still, nothing changed about you, about us. In fact, we became stronger than before. We managed to deal with each other. We learned how to control our emotions. Even though we’re still in progress, atleast I know that we’re growing together instead of falling apart. We’re not sure how many arguments left for us to argue, buy there’s one thing I’m sure of, I will never leave you. 


Home isn’t about four walls and a roof, it’s about four eyes and one heart. You know you’re not home if you feel uncomfortable. Just keep your mouth shut and appreciate the relationship between you and your home without awkwardness. You’re not home if you feel controlled, when you can’t sing along to your favorite song, dance to a happy beat, eat as much as you want, do whatever you wanna do. There’s no freedom, you know what I mean. You’re not home if you can’t read a book infront of your glass window while sipping a cup of warm coffee without thinking about stress, work or life. Just relax, you can get rid of those butterflies in your belly. No need to feel pressured. You’re not home if you can’t reveal the real you. You shouldn’t be afraid to be you. Because your home will never judge you, infact, you will be adored by the little things you do then will give you things that you truly deserve. Now, do you think you’re home? or just inside a four walls and a roof.